Hotel Occupancy Tax

State Tax Group’s hotel occupancy tax consultants will assist hotels and motels in occupancy tax compliance management (filing of their hotel returns); our tax consultants will manage hotel occupancy tax (HOT) audits as well as conducting reverse audits to make sure the adequate exemptions are being utilized. State Tax Group is often utilized as an outsourcing arm.
Local Hotel Occupancy Tax and Hospitality Consulting Service for Municipalities
With the lack of funding on the State and Local levels city officials are forced to look at all revenue streams that affects their bottom. State Tax Group hotel tax team has been used as an outsourcing audit arm for numerous municipalities to conduct city hotel occupancy tax audit of their portfolio of hotels. In the process State Tax Group will:
-Review local government’s lodging tax ordinance, return form and administrative procedures;
to assist the local government in realizing all the of lodging tax revenue to which it is entitled through conducting annual analyses of returns and, when warranted, on-site examinations of records; providing annual reports and reflecting and projecting revenue trends; identifying any providers who should be subjected to field auditing or other scrutiny; offering ordinance and administrative enhancements as needed; and educating lodging providers to ensure appropriate collection and remittance of the lodging tax. The term of this agreement is two years, although performance shall be annual with respect to certain services as indicated herein below.
State Tax Group, LLC must inform you that any advice in this communication to you was not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, to avoid any government penalties that may be imposed on a taxpayer